Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Victim's response

Victims response

I think that is what it is called. When he is convicted what would you say, to him,to the court?

Each member of Rosie's immediate family is writing one. All of us won't get to speak, there are just too many us. But we want each of us to have a voice, maybe put some together into one statement like from siblings. So I have been thinking about this for a week now. How to put words down, how to say what you need to say!! It never will be right, it will never put the scope of our loss into words. But I am trying. I think it's important.

Below is the what I am come up with..

Rose Marie Woolwine was a beautiful vibrant young woman. She loved fiercely and lived passionately. She had a light that drew people in. You saw this light and you tried to put it out. You took advantage of her love. You embraced evil instead. But evil will never overpower light. Rosie's light lives today in her family. Especially in her children, 3 beautiful people who also love fiercely and live passionately. You being here is evidence of that passion. Her light will live on, her love will grow with her family.
You are nothing compared to this. A cowardly little man, who put a gun to Rosie's head pulled the trigger and left her like a dog. You will pay for this crime, here and forever. You stand before us in judgement and you will stand before God in judgement. Your only option is to admit what you did, beg for mercy and ask for the forgiveness you don't deserve.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What is the most effective way to exercise?

I wish there was a definitive answer!!

I was talking to this guy I know. He is a former personal trainer and professional runner. His training philosophy is 20 min of interval cardio, 1-2 min high intensity then 2 min low intensity. He states this is the best way to burn fat.

When I first started working out 10+ yrs ago, I was talking to a different personal trainer. His philosophy was 1hr of mid intensity workout. He said that it isn't until after the first 20 min that your body start burning fat.

These two thoughts are counter intuitive. So now what!!!! And I bet if you have read other trainers and fitness experts you will also find conflicting advice. What to do?!

The same basic principle still holds true. The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. How your body stores fat and burns fat is genetics. We are all slightly different. That is why some people can eat a lot and not gain. I personally have to maintain 1200 calorie diet to lose weight.

I try and listen, read and discuss all the different fitness ideas. I try some here and there. It is a good idea to mix up your fitness routine anyway to keep your body guessing and burning. I personally don't believe any one is exactly right. I also think you need to do what you enjoy. If you enjoy pushing yourself very hard for 20 min then being done. Awesome, do it. If you enjoy dancing for an hour, then do it. If you enjoy long walks and hikes, go for it. etc. Etc....

The idea being, MOVE!! Whatever form that takes, move, sweat and make yourself tired out. I also enjoy stretching and some weight training. Both are good to keep the body limber and strong. It also helps with my arthritis. I know there is some crazy idea out there that women shouldn't do weights. NOT TRUE, we won't bulk up unless we incorporate steroids. We don't have the testosterone for that. Weights make your cardio more effective and fight osteoporosis( the brittle bone thing that can happen as we age).

So my point is read, listen and discuss. Then find what moves you and move. Remember being hungry isn't a bad thing when trying to lose weight, as long as you aren't starving yourself. Remember sweat isn't a bad thing either. It is your body cooling itself off.

And finally, I am not a medical professional or personal trainer. Everything I say is from my own personal opinions. Please feel free to speak to professionals for advice, there are lots online and at your doctor's office.

Move2Motivate so you can motivate 2 move.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Move 2 Motivate

Move 2 Motivate

As I move to motivate my self, I keep pushing along. My weight is up and my energy level is down. There are a myriad of reasons and excuses as to why. None of that matters. I need to keep moving.

As I was exercising at the fitness trail this morning, I realized that my fitness level hasn't gone down. Thank God! I wish I was better than a year ago, but again I will keep moving 2 motivate. I can still do level 3 at each station. I can still do 30 jumping jacks. That is good. I am still fighting diabetes, osteoporosis, and many others. I am still keeping my arthritis from getting worse.

As I was walking the trail, runners kept breezing by me. I wondered what they thought as they saw this little chubby women, walking along, sweating. I assume, if they noticed me at all, they were sending motivational vibes. I try to for those I notice while exercising. Especially those who seem like newbies to fitness. I try to send good thoughts to keep them moving. It is interesting how things like that are relative. You see someone who seems to be in a earlier stage than you, fitness wise, and you hope they stay with it. And you are that someone to others. We are all on a journey and we should be pulling each other along.

Move 2 Motivate, is the name of my business. I haven't done anything with it, except register the name with the state. Life has a way of getting in the way. Maybe soon I will get back to it. I have all these ideas and plans. It takes time and money to get something like this going. Maybe I will sell the idea to someone who has time and money. Who knows what God has in store for me.

I hope as I Move 2 Motivate myself, I can Move 2 Motivate some of you.
Keep pushing, Keep moving, Keep motivating.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The capacity of the Human Spirit

"The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering."
Ben Okri

What a powerful quote! Our capacity to overcome is amazing to me. It is amazing to me to think about where I came from to where I am now. But I look at those around me, I know some of the struggles alot of you have faced, I can only imagine the struggles you hide. I see, read and meet people who have suffered tremendous tragedies. The ability of the human spirit to heal and grow in spite is awe inspiring.

Elizabeth Smart has taken her tragedy and used it to motivate her to do good. Jacey Dugard has shared her story in hopes of inspiring. There are stories of forgiveness from Rawanda and across the globe.

To be greater than our suffering. To take that suffering and turn it around for good, That is something. I have moved on, I have created a good life for me and my family. I wouldn't say I turned it around for the greater good. I walked away and created a new life. That is a good thing. But for those special people who have used it for the greater good is above and beyond.

Our life on earth isn't an easy one. We humans have ways of hurting one another, we turn on each other. We murder, molest, rape, pillage, bully and hate. We can be very creative in our ways of hurting one another. The fact that we haven't blown ourselves out of the universe is a testament to the human spirit to continue on.

As we struggle to live together on this planet, let's take our struggles and turn them around to create a better world. Let's use the challenges in life as motivation to move forward and be better. Love yourself and Love those around you, even the most challenging people in your life, even those who have hurt you. Love truly does conquer all things.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Sins of the father"

"Sins of the Father"

What does this mean? Are kids punished for the bad things done by their parents? Not literally, sure, but kids are impacted by the choices their parents make.

How we act, how we live, what we do everyday, how we handle our relationships... All of these are modeled by our children. None of us are perfect. None of us will ever be perfect. We have to live our lives happily making good choices for our selves and our family.

But I am thinking about the bigger issues. The detrimental impact things like alcoholism, drug addiction, physical, emotional and sexual abuse can have on families and children for decades to come.

My parenting skills, or lack there of, are a direct result of my childhood. (The same holds true for Steve, for you) For example, my mother wasn't a good housekeeper. I am not a good housekeeper. My children may not be the best housekeepers.

When Steve and I decided to make a life together, we brought our own issues and baggage to the relationship. We had to work through these. We are still working through these. I still can fall back into some of my childhood issues. I am still not a good housekeeper, better than I used to be, but not the best.

But getting back to the heavier issues. How far back do you need to go to figure out where the road turns and a cycle of dysfunction is created. Families get caught in this cycle and can be there for decades. So the issues I face, that effect my children, are a result of issues created by my parents. The issues my parents faced were a result of the issues their parents faced. So on and so on. You could keep going back in the family tree forever. I am not making excuses for peoples choices. At some point your life becomes your own and the choices you make are yours. Not excuses just some rational for how things go bad.

My Grandparents struggled. I don't know that whole story and probably never will. But I know there were some serious issues. These issues impacted my mothers life, very negatively. Subsequently our childhood was very bad. I am not laying blame or making excuses. Just trying to understand how thinks got so...

To change things takes effort, conscience effort. Takes recognition that something is wrong and needs to be different. Takes work to break old habits and create new ones. This is very challenging. Maybe one of the hardest things to do.

When Steve and I began our lives together, we knew we wanted to move out of the city. To create a different life for our children. I have written about how moving to Ann Arbor was a culture shock for me. I have tried to create a different life for my children. I have done that. They way they grew up or are growing up is so completely different from my childhood it is incredible. There is no way to put it into words. You would have to live it to see it. But the issues I face because of my childhood are still a part of me and subsequently are a part of my childrens lives.

My extended family(my sisters, brothers, mother) are dealing with some of the trauma from our childhood. We are struggling right now. We are in a better place to deal with them. We are stronger. We can get through this. Sometimes I wonder if we are strong enough. I lose faith. But then I look my Mom and her resolve. I know that changes she has made in her life forthe better. I know the family will heal and come out stronger. I know God is watching over us and hears our prayers.

God Bless you all. Please pray for me as I do for you.

Hello Friends

My blog. We have been so busy it has been hard for me to find time to write. I do enjoy writing this blog but it doesn't come easy. I need to really block out time to get my thoughts down. I am not one of those that just writes easily and naturally.

Why write a blog then? I ask myself that. I have written early on about why I decided to write a blog. But I guess sometimes it is nice to just hear your voice, figuratively. I could write a journal but then who would ever read it?

As I write this I have 3 blogs in the process that should be posted soon.

One thought that has been swirling around my head is the phrase "sins of the father". What does this mean? How does this impact our lives or does it?

I always have thoughts on politics. That is easy to write about. I could probably just do a blog on the political arena. So many issues there.

I am also trying to write one on marriage. The joys, struggle and work of it.

I do appreciate those of you that read these. Thanks!!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

This is an open letter to young adults. Those that have moved beyond high school. This will sound harsh but I say it with love. I also want you to know that this comes from a bleeding heart liberal. One who votes to extend support and assistance.

Get over it! Life is hard, it takes hard work, sacrifice and patience. Nothing is freely given. FIA, WIC, unemployment and other assistance programs are there to help get on your feet. Not something you should live on. I think we have made it to easy for you, to your own detriment. I know there are hard working young people out there. But I also know there are some of you caught up in stagnation. Waiting for something to be handed to you.

That isn't how it works. If you are young and able, then work. If you need to work at home depot during the day and McDonald's at night then do it. If you need to walk or take a bus to the local community college then do it. If you have kids, I understand you want to be there for your kids and you should be. But that isn't an excuse for not working. I know single mothers have it particular hard and I pray for you to have all the support you need. This is mostly to those young couples with kids. I know its tough to have kids, but if you are a two parent home then figure it out. Work alternate schedules or whatever works for your family. Again stop waiting for the world to hand you something.

We all did it. Was it easy, No!! Did we do it perfectly, absolutely not. We made mistakes, but we kept plowing forward. Making sacrifices, making choices and continuing to grow, learn and make things better.

We all have problems, issues and challenges. Money issues, relationship issues, health issues, etc.... We all continue to work, continue to move forward. My mom is 70 years old, she has fought and clawed her way, her whole life. She has diabetes and knee problems. She goes to work, she stays active, she tries to help those around her. I know others with different health problems, they still go to work or school or both everyday.

Maybe you are reading this and I think "she has no idea". You are right, I don't. I don't know the challenges some of you face. But I do know the challenges I have faced. I do see the challenges some of you face. I see some of you working hard, moving forward. But I also see some of you stagnating. Getting stuck in a holding pattern, waiting for something that may never come.

I know this sounds harsh, but it is reality. I hope you hear this with a sense of how much I care, wanting you to have a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

I sound like a bitty old woman, maybe I am. I don't think so though. I see too many young adults who are stuck and it is frustrating!! Please accept this in the way intended, with love and hope to motivate.

Prayers, love and grace to all!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Which side are you on? Are you democrat or republican?Black or white? What is your opinion on the Trayvon Martin story? ? Etc. Etc.....

We like our sides don't we. We like to make things cut and dry. Are you with me or against me. The media likes it too. They get ratings which turns into advertising dollars. They manipulate, they spin and we suck it up.

I know there are people out there like me. I know we feel like we are getting squeezed out by the loud voices on the sides. But we are here looking around in amazement.

I have opinions on what may have happened on that horrible night in Florida. I also know that my opinions are based on limited facts, innuendos and rumors. I was not there, I don't know any of those personally involved. So it is a very limited opinion. I do know that the situation is a tragedy. My thoughts and prayers go out to Trayvon's family and friends. So sad and tragic a loss. My thoughts and prayers also go out to Zimmerman and his family. I hope for answers, justice and peace for all.

I am not a black or white kinda person. And I don't mean race, I mean on most issues there is some gray area. There is somewhere in the middle.

Don't get me wrong. I know there is racism, prejudice and bigotry in this country. I have seen it, heard it and felt it. There are many who dislike others for the color of their skin. There are many who hate for a myriad of reasons.
That is unfortunately a part of the human condition. There will always be those who hate. And we should, continually work towards a world without hate.

So I do understand the shock and outcry over this case. I understand the desire for justice and answers. I don't understand the threats of violence. I don't understand the unwillingness of people to have a rational conversation. To recognize the limited facts in the case. I am not justifying anyone's actions from the police to Zimmerman's. I'm saying I wasn't there. I have lots of questions and I may never know the answers.

I am wondering if we have lost all sense of rational conversation. Of recognizing if someone doesn't agree with you 100% that doesn't make them your enemy. If someone is religious that doesn't make them weak or uneducated or hateful. If someone thinks or believes or acts different, then they are just that different.

You know what's interesting, is some of the most "liberal" people I know, can be very intolerable. I guess I just find it ironic, those that speak of tolerance and acceptance, find it hard to accept someone with different opinions. Some will read this and not recognize their own intolerances. We all have prejudices. We all pre judge. If we don't look inward and recognize that things will never change.

Let's work on having rational intelligent conversations. Even is someone says something you disagree with.

God Bless you all!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hope everyone had a Blessed Easter.

I was having a conversation with my daughter the other day. She was asking how long we have lived in Ann Arbor. We were comparing how long I have lived in Ann Arbor versus Detroit.

In August I will be 46, I will also have lived in Ann Arbor for 23 years. Which is 23 years in both the D and A2. I feel blessed to have lived in 2 great cities in my life. Both have had impacts on who I am. Amanda stated that since the odds of me moving back to Detroit are non existent, that by next year I will have been in Ann Arbor longer. I told her who knows. Life has a way of throwing curve balls. Who knows what the future holds. I have no intention of moving now. I have no desire really to move back to Detroit.

This got me to thinking about the twists and turns of life. Playing the odds are tricky. Yes the odds are that I will live in Ann Arbor longer than the D. But the odds haven't always played out in my life. Given my childhood, I should be a single mom with a few kids. Or at the least on my 2nd or 3rd relationship, certainly not in a 27 year relationship.

Life is a journey. Most of times the visual to this is a walking path. I am more incline to think of a kayak ride. There are currents and things that move you along out of your control. Sometimes there is no current and the path is your choice. Sometimes the current is so strong, you have no choice. Sometimes you have more than forks in the road, more like multiple path choices that lead to more path choices.

As we choose one path multitudes of other open up. And we continue on always wondering what is around the corner. Sometimes we can see what's next. Sometimes we are blindsided by a curve or a blocked path. More choices, more decisions. We like to think we are always in control and most times we are. But sometimes the current takes. We are also at times distracted by those around us or events happening, that we don't even realize we are being moved along. There are those moments, at least for me, where I look around in amazement at where I am. Those moments of how in the heck did I get here?!

Will I ever move back to the city? I don't think so. But who knows.
If I end up moving somewhere completely different in August and live there another 23 years....... 69 years, 3 different places. That would be interesting.

But the odds are that I will be right here next August, talking about how I have lived in Ann Arbor longer than Detroit.

May your path be fun, interesting and driven by love. God Bless you all.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

My knees have been bothering me this past week. Fierce! Painful and annoying. I try to just live my normal daily life. I try not to complain or make a lot of noise about it. Very challenging!

But this got me to thinking about those that have it worse than me. People that live with chronic pain. How challenging life must be?

I also got to thinking about those that live with mental anguish as well. We all have baggage. Those issues, very deeply buried, that we don't want to deal with. This adds to the challenges of life.

Sometimes the cure or treatment can be worse than the issue. Especially when dealing with mental issues. So imagine you have a wound or cut. It heals on the outside. It looks like its fine. But it was deeper than you realized and underneath is a festering infection. After awhile you realize it isn't healed and have chronic pain. The doctor's remedy is the cut open the wound. He opens it and cleans out the infection. Very painful!!! In the end you are better off. The key is seeing it through to the end, having faith that the end result will be better.

Those with chronic physical pain have a different challenge. Sometimes there is no cure. No treatment that will make it go away or return it to normal. This can be very upsetting, distressing. I know my knees will never be the same. I know that I will have to deal with it the rest of my life. To be quite honest, that sucks!!!!! But I also know that God is with me. Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come. Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far and Grace will bring me home.

A couple of things I have learned. One exercise makes it better not worse. So I will keep moving. Two I am afraid if I stop exercising, it will get worse. Three, doctors don't have all the answers. We have to be educated. We have to be our own advocates.

To those of you dealing with physical or mental issues, I pray you find peace and comfort. I pray you find good physicians and practitioners. I pray that you are surrounded by the love and joy of great family and friends.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

True genuine sacrifice is about Love. If you give up or do something because you feel obligated and do it begrudgingly it isn't true sacrifice.

This was my thought during prayer at church this morning.

Also, when I recognize I have failed in this true sacrifice, again it shouldn't be about me. It's not about having a pity party or beating myself up. It is about recognizing how I failed and making it right.

I love my family. They are my first priority. Sometimes my own selfish desires get it in the way. My own selfish wants and needs distract me.

Now don't get me wrong. Don't miss my point. We should take care of ourselves. We should have dreams, wants and desires. Those are valid.

I'm talking about making a choice to put someone else's needs first. Not disregarding my own.

When we choose to enter into a relationship and create a family. That choice is going to require some sacrifices. And sometimes what you give up is what's best anyway. We, especially me, hold tightly to those things are aren't always best for us. I don't realize that letting go is for the best. Change is hard but it is sometimes good.

My kids will and should always be a priority. Lovingly sacrificing in the best interest of them is truly joyful.

Lord help to be focused on other's needs before mine. Help to recognize what is best for me and how to best care for the person I am. Help me to become the person you meant for me to be.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lenten repost

"Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home." 
verse from Amazing Grace

As we sung Amazing Grace in church this morning, this verse stood out. How much I have been through in my life. God's grace has always been there. I know many of you have been through some dangers, toils and snares. I know some of us are going through them right now. I know there are probably more to come. This verse is so powerful in that regard. The grace of God will get me through as it has already. All He is our acceptance.

He wants nothing more than our faith. He asks nothing more of us than love. Which if you think about it, faith and love is everything. So He asks everything of us. But it isn't as hard as we lead ourselves to believe. With God's grace it is so easy. We start by simply saying "Jesus Christ come into my life". How simple is that. We trust him from that point to lead us home. And lead us home He will.

As we approach Ash Wednesday and lent I will use this verse. As I am deciding how to use lent to draw closer to Christ, I will pray this verse. As I am living my lenten promises of fasting, abstinence, alms giving and prayer, I will remember this verse.

The awesome power of God's Grace. It is nothing we have earned, nothing we can earn. It is freely given. Christ's love and grace is ours for the taking.

Lent can be a very powerful time. A time of preparation before entering into the holiest of seasons, Easter. A time to recognize our mortality, acknowledge wrongs we have committed. We also prayerfully live out our love and faith in Christ.

Prayer, fasting, abstinence and alms giving. Prayer, spending time with God, mostly listening but also sharing what is in our hearts. Fasting, to abstain from eating certain foods or minimizing consumption, as a way of recognizing that all we have comes from God. Also remembering those who don't have all the comforts we do. Abstinence, to do without certain comforts. Again to recognize all we have comes from God and eliminate things that distract us from God.

Last year I gave up listening to the radio in my car. If you know me, you know that was a big deal for me. I found it to be incredibly powerful. To have quiet time alone driving with my own thoughts was amazing. Sometimes we let the world drown out our thoughts and quiet times. We have forgotten how to sit quietly.

This year I am not sure what I will be doing along those lines. I will continue to pray and meditate on the verse of the Amazing Grace. The amazing grace of God will lead me.

May the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ fill your hearts with joy!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I don't agree or disagree with Santorum's comment on women in combat. I have never served in the military. But I think his point is something that should be considered and discussed among the troops and commanders. Men and women treat each other differently. It is a fact of life. How that will play out on the battlefield if at all, is a valid question. Although it shouldn't be played out in the media with it sensationalism and spinning.

Figuring out the roles of men and women in today's American society is interesting and challenging. Generalizations are tough because we are very diverse. Some women prefer more traditional roles, some more non traditional and lots in the middle. Also, as we grow and change, our opinions and ideals also grow and change. As a young girl growing up without a father, I had a strong desire for a traditional family home. As a young women, I would have preferred a more non traditional rolls. Now I see the value in both.

There are some things that our society promotes regarding men and women that I disagree with. Movies make men look like bafoons, who only want sex. Men are portrayed to be stupid and uncaring, driven my sexual desires. I get that they are trying to be funny but an over abundance of this message affects us all.

I understand that we need humor. We need to be able to laugh at ourselves. I enjoy great jokes and funny movies. There is nothing like a good laugh to eliminate stress. I just wonder about the redundancy of the message.

We want our men to be bad boys who die to protect us. But not treat us like weaklings who can't do for ourselves. We want them to love us endlessly but give us our freedom. To be a free spirit artist or musician who makes lots of money. Someone who is comfortable in his own skin.

Women don't make it easy for men. The whole men are from mars, women are from Venus thing. We speak in innuendos, some men can't decipher innuendos.

They are sometimes trapped. Damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. Land mines and all. If they say " I believe pms is real and how can I help you", we bite their head off for being condescending.

We want them to know what we want and desire without having to tell them. It's a tricky situation. If I tell you what I want and you do it, then you didn't do it out of love. You did it because I told you to.

Men don't make it easy for us either, but that is a another blog another day.

To all the women out there, give men a break. To all the men look out for land mines and enjoy the ride. (no double entendre intended)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I am a Christian, I am Catholic and I am Pro Life. I believe in the sanctity of life from conception through natural death.
I just wanted everyone to know where I stand. No confusion.

The new HHS mandate about contraception and abortive drugs is wrong and offensive. The government has no right to tell religious organization they can't live out their faith. That is a slap in the face to the right to practice religion.

The Susan G Komen foundations inability to stand up to the all powerful planned parenthood is also offensive. I have not and will not donate to them until they no longer support planned parenthood's assault on life. 330,000 thousand abortions every year. 330,000 babies denied the right to life. That is horrendous.

The fight to find a cure and support those with breast cancer shouldn't be so tied into planned parenthood. There are other avenues, but we aren't allowed to discuss those. Access to mammograms and treatment is extremely important. But I don't buy for a second that it has to be through abortion clinics. My prayers to those struggling with breast cancer.

I consider myself to be a conservative democrat. On balance I agree with the democratic party but not on life issues. I have never voted based on one issue. This year may be different. I am feeling like my only voice is my vote. Everything else is drowned out by media bias and the strong arm of planned parenthood. Their lies and mistruths make fox news look like wimps.

I have seen it with my own eyes. Doctors forced out of their jobs for asking questions about the effects of abortion on women. The dialogue can't even happen. Where is the justice in that? We all buy into the word choice. We think our freedom is tied up in it that word. That is a lie.

I have seen with my own eyes, women who choose life being ridiculed by those around them and the media. If someone chooses to let God choose and control their life, they are looked at like weirdos. Those young people who choose to wait for marriage to engage in sex are also scorned and ridiculed. Why is that? Why are we telling our young people that choice means promiscuity and don't worry about any recourse. If you get pregnant we will just "terminate" the pregnancy. How is that doing our kids justice? Is there true freedom in promiscuity and abortion?

Those that try to speak for Life and Christ' message are scorned. We are topics for fodder.

I am Pro Life. The supposed want or need of child should never determine if they have the right to life. The idea that a handicapped child, either physically or mentally, have nothing to offer our society and should be terminated is genocide. Why do we buy into these lies?

Am I to harsh here. If I have hurt anyone's feelings that is not my intention. I don't judge people, I know people make choices in there life and have to live with those choices. I have made choices in my life that I would change. I understand given where I was at that time in my life it was what I thought was right. I thank God I was never in the unfortunate situation where abortion was considered. I pray for those in desperate situations.
But for any of us to make valid choices there has to be a clear understanding of what is really at stake.

Let's have true dialogue. Let's have true freedom to practice our religious beliefs.

If you have read this whole piece. Thanks. If you disagree but read the whole thing anyway, Thanks. If you would, please join me in praying for a world of peace and love.

God Bless us all.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why I love Jesus and the church

First of all, Let me say, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. He is God incarnate, born of the virgin Mary. He is true God and true man. 

This subject has been covered by many theologians and doctors of the church. I am speaking from a very personal place, my heart, where my blogs always come from.  I highly recommend that if you want to dig deeper, go for it. You will be amazed at what you find. I was!!

I am catholic, have been my whole life, cradle catholic as some would say. But about 13 years ago, Steve and I had a conversation about choosing to be catholic. We decided to dive in and become involved in church. Learn, grow and be active members. Then decide if being catholic is what we choose to be. Thanks be to God we both found that being catholic is what we choose.

Is the church perfect? Yes. Are the humans involved in the church perfect? No, absolutely not.  I would challenge you to find any organization run by humans to be perfect. I would say that the sins of the humans don’t negate the truth. Jesus called out the Pharisee and Sadducees as hypocrites and sinners. He didn’t abolish or condemn the Jewish religion. God’s covenant is eternal. He doesn’t break His promises. 

When I profess my faith on Sundays at church, I try to focus on what I am professing. I truly believe in all I profess. Christ established the church and said “the gates of hell will not prevail against it”. (Mt 16; 16-19) 

The church has struggled because of the sins of man. Many from the inside and out have railed against her. It is but by the grace of God that it still stands, 2000 years later. I heard a story once of NapolĂ©on telling a bishop that he will bring down the church.  The bishop replied simply, good luck, even those of us on inside haven’t been able to. I don’t know if this story is true or not. But it makes the point. 

Have there been horrible abominable sins done in the name of God and by those who serve God. Yes! Man, unfortunately has great propensity to sin and does truly horrific things to each other.  Those who have sinned should be held accountable and will be held accountable to God.   I, in no way, am denying this. These sins, as horrific as they are, don’t negate the truth of Jesus. 

I know left to my own devices, I would be lost. I would be fallen and beaten by this world. When I stand, kneel and pray in church I make things right and start over. I am egocentric and selfish. If I decided I could do it on my own and don’t need religion. I would be fooling myself. I would create an egocentric, selfish life. I would not challenge myself to be better. I would make things easy for me. Where is the growth and learning in that? This world would pull me away from Christ, it would drag me to indulge in my own selfish desires that would not satisfy nor make me feel fulfilled. 

 I go to church every Sunday to receive the precious life giving Body, Blood, soul and divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I go to worship, praise and honor God with one measly hour of my life. I go to draw support from the community of Christ that surrounds me. I go to pray for me, my family, loved ones and friends. I go because God wants me to go. 
 I recognize my need for God and His church to guide me on the right path. I don’t go blindly. I go by choice with my eyes focused on the Lord.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Thoughts that overwhelm me;
1. I have lived in Ann Arbor 23 yrs this coming Aug. I will have lived here as long as I lived in Detroit. (not counting 2 brief 6mos stays in San Antonio)

2. Steve and I have been together for 28yrs, married for 26 going on 27. Wow!! We have been married longer than half my life!

I don't feel old enough for either of these. The old saying "life happens while making plans" is very true. I'm amazed at how my life has played out.
Given where I came from.

But even that doesn't sum it up. I bet it wouldn't for anyone. I came from the city of Detroit. Very poor and exposed to more than any child should be. Raised by a single mom in a large family. Getting pregnant at 18, then marrying my high school sweetheart.

Statistically, I should be a divorced single mom with 5 kids living in the city.
I am truly blessed to have a strong marriage. Marriage is work, it is a choice to make it work. Not always easy but usually fun.

Living in Ann Arbor has been a blessing also. I have made some great friends. It is strange because I am just now starting to feel like an Ann Arborite even after all this time.

If you read this post all the way through, which I hope you did, you are probably thinking "mid-life crisis". I know right!!!!

I just can't wait to see what the next 45 years have in store for me. Betty White at 90 and my mom at 70 are my inspirations.

Hope you all had a Blessed Christmas and I wish you many laughs in the New Year!!!!!