Friday, April 13, 2012

Which side are you on? Are you democrat or republican?Black or white? What is your opinion on the Trayvon Martin story? ? Etc. Etc.....

We like our sides don't we. We like to make things cut and dry. Are you with me or against me. The media likes it too. They get ratings which turns into advertising dollars. They manipulate, they spin and we suck it up.

I know there are people out there like me. I know we feel like we are getting squeezed out by the loud voices on the sides. But we are here looking around in amazement.

I have opinions on what may have happened on that horrible night in Florida. I also know that my opinions are based on limited facts, innuendos and rumors. I was not there, I don't know any of those personally involved. So it is a very limited opinion. I do know that the situation is a tragedy. My thoughts and prayers go out to Trayvon's family and friends. So sad and tragic a loss. My thoughts and prayers also go out to Zimmerman and his family. I hope for answers, justice and peace for all.

I am not a black or white kinda person. And I don't mean race, I mean on most issues there is some gray area. There is somewhere in the middle.

Don't get me wrong. I know there is racism, prejudice and bigotry in this country. I have seen it, heard it and felt it. There are many who dislike others for the color of their skin. There are many who hate for a myriad of reasons.
That is unfortunately a part of the human condition. There will always be those who hate. And we should, continually work towards a world without hate.

So I do understand the shock and outcry over this case. I understand the desire for justice and answers. I don't understand the threats of violence. I don't understand the unwillingness of people to have a rational conversation. To recognize the limited facts in the case. I am not justifying anyone's actions from the police to Zimmerman's. I'm saying I wasn't there. I have lots of questions and I may never know the answers.

I am wondering if we have lost all sense of rational conversation. Of recognizing if someone doesn't agree with you 100% that doesn't make them your enemy. If someone is religious that doesn't make them weak or uneducated or hateful. If someone thinks or believes or acts different, then they are just that different.

You know what's interesting, is some of the most "liberal" people I know, can be very intolerable. I guess I just find it ironic, those that speak of tolerance and acceptance, find it hard to accept someone with different opinions. Some will read this and not recognize their own intolerances. We all have prejudices. We all pre judge. If we don't look inward and recognize that things will never change.

Let's work on having rational intelligent conversations. Even is someone says something you disagree with.

God Bless you all!

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