Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Did she do it? Did Casey kill Caylee? Will we ever know? I doubt it.

There are so many that assume she did it. Nancy whatsherface has used her show and pulpit to convict. Before there was even a trial. I don't watch her show and change the channel whenever she speaks. Didn't want to mention her here but had no other choice. The media has sensationalized and spun this story to convince us of her guilt. 

I keep thinking what a sad story. That poor little girl. That poor family. This whole situation is sad and disturbing. A young child taken from the world to soon and in such a tragic way. A family struggling with personal issues dragged into the living rooms of all, for ratings and entertainment. 

Will we ever know what happened to little Caylee?  So many unsolved murders, it is tragic. Especially when it involves children. How many unsolved missing persons? How does the media decide where to spotlight the attention? Where they feel will generate the most revenue. A case that can be sensationalized so that all will watch. 

Do you remember Elizabeth Smart? She held a press conference. She wanted to use her name and attention to spotlight another case. She went before the press with a photo and everything. The news got her story and cut out the rest. We never saw the story of the other case. The news channels didn't care. And we are going to believe them on the Anthony case?! 

I see the irony in this blog. My family has used the media to spotlight the attention on my sister, Rose Marie Woolwine's case. When the show was being filmed there were many misgivings. Nervousness about how they would handle the case. I do believe the media can be a useful tool for those missing and unsolved cases. Look at what America's most wanted was able to do. But sometimes this can be twisted and distorted. 

How courageous of the jury. Can you imagine how hard it must have been or is going to be for them? They did, what they felt was the right thing against all odds. The weighed the evidence and did their job. The didn't allow themselves to swayed by public opinion. I pray for their safety and their ability to get back to a normal life. 

Did Casey make bad decisions? That is obvious. Was she a liar? probably. Does that make her a killer? No. 

If she committed this heinous crime, she will face judgement. As we all will. We will stand before God, exposed for all we have done and chosen not to do. The good, the bad and the ugly. We will have to answer for what we have done in this life. 

As I consider all of this. I think about the man sitting in a Mexican jail. He is accused of killing my sister. I know in my heart that he took her from us. But I wasn't there and I don't what evidence they have to convict. I know justice for Rosie will be served. I know she is resting in peace. This is regardless of what happens in the courthouse.

Prayers for those who have tragically lost a dear loved one. May you and I find peace and comfort.


  1. When we hear of someone accused of crime it's satisfying to be among the crowd crying "Guilty!" You show great generosity of spirit in not rushing to judge. Good for you.

  2. I don't know whether or not she killed her child but I do know that the media is using that poor baby to get ratings and that they convicted her before her case even began. I agree that the jury did the best they could with the information they had and as Americans we should stand behind them whether or not we agree with their decision because that is what it means to live in a free country.

  3. The part I struggle with the most is the fact that she did nothing to save her child for a month. She said Caylee was with a nanny, all the while her child's lifeless body was decomposing. She knew the child was dead. Does not reporting it to the authorities imply guilt? Think about it... if ANYTHING happened to one of your children, what would you do? Everything within your power to save that child!! She is guilty. Just like OJ. What a dysfunctional famiy at the very least. Our justice system is flawed. Children are so vulnerable, and my heart goes out to all children who are abused, neglected, or harmed in any way by the people they trust. Rather than focus on the lack of justice in this case, my thoughts and prayers go to all the children in peril throughout our country & the world.

    Also, my continued prayers for your family, Pam! You are a caring, strong & enlightened woman, and I am so glad to know you!


  4. Thanks for all of the honest and heartfelt responses.
    Thanks for reading

  5. It's been a couple weeks since your last post. We, your followers, are all waiting for more....
