Friday, July 22, 2011

Let me start by saying in some circles I am a liberal, in other circles I am a conservative. There are some in my family who think I am republican and there are some republicans I know that would scoff at that. I don't mind being somewhat in the middle, keeping people guessing. It really isn't a one or the other choice. You can be conservative on some issues and liberal on others. I will admit, in the interest of disclosure, that I lean more towards liberal. I will also say that I seriously considered McCain as a presidential candidate, once he chose Palin, I decided to vote a different way. I felt her experience and knowledge weren't adequate. I also considered voting for Snyder until he stated the need the repeal healthcare reform. I decided to vote another way. Again based on the issues not on party lines.

A few days ago I was scanning thru radio stations and it stopped on a religious conservative talk show. The host was relaying some horrible things that were said on the Bill Maher show. The panelist on the BM show said some incredibly inappropriate stuff about Michelle Bachmann and Santori(sp?). I totally understand the shock and his right to call them out. But then the radio host went on to say "this is what liberals are saying", "this is what the liberals are promoting". 

While I stated what was said on the Bill Maher show was horrendous, I think what the radio host said was also wrong. This is not what liberals are saying. This is what some panelists/comedians said trying to be funny and shocking. But please don't stir the pot more by saying all liberals think or talk like that. Whenever anyone speaks in absolutes it raises a red flag, you can't lump people together. That is stereotyping. Not only is it stereotyping it also creates a divisive and antagonistic environment. 

When I hear or see conservatives saying or doing something completely inappropriate like linking Obama to Hitler, or using the phrase lib-tard, I don't assume all conservatives think this way. I realize that some are just trying to shock and get attention.

We are not enemies. We are fellow Americans trying to make things better in this country. The liberals aren't trying to ruin this country. The conservatives are trying to ruin this country. This is where respect and compromise should come into play. If we can have conversations with respect and reach compromises then we will all be better off.

That doesn't seem to be the case for some. I have a hard time with anyone who states their sole goal is someone else's failure. I have heard Limbaugh and Rove say the goal is the failure of Barack Obama. If that is your goal then where is the desire for the common good. Where is the desire to make this country better and stronger.  Again this is creating a divisive and antagonistic environment. 

Again let me state that I don't believe the failure of this country is the goal of either party or person, Whether they call themselves liberal or conservative or independent or any other label.  

I respect your right to vote republican, can you respect my right to vote democrat. I recognize that the Michigan legislature's republicans were voted in by the people of this state. Can you recognize that President Obama was voted in by the people of the country. Both deserve our respect. 

God Bless America! God Bless us all! next blog will be the most controversial thus far, am writing it now and will hopefully post it by Mon.


  1. Wow! That's a very powerful and impacting message!

  2. I agree we shouldn't lump everyone together but there is power in numbers. In Nov 2010, Americans clearly rejected the practice of sending the nations wealth to a centrailzed beauracracy to be redistributed to buy votes.

    The reason no one knew what was in the healthcare bill before it was signed is because no one cared. The supporters only needed to know that it would cause billions of our hard earned dollars to become more power for the politicians. We should all come together as American's, not as conservatives or liberals, to make better more fair use of our resources.

  3. Sorry Tony, stone cold liberal even socialist on this one. I hope healthcare reform can lead to universal health care, I don't mind paying my share of taxes for it.
    Obama 2012

  4. How does healthcare differ from any other service? Should we have universal housing, automobile and erotic massage programs?

    I believe nothing good can come from turning over our responsibilities and freedoms to the bureaucrats to run a "healthcare system" that is more about amassing centralized power than it is about helping consumers of healthcare.
