Friday, June 17, 2011

If you watch the news, you would think the biggest issues we face are; whether or not to raise the debt ceiling, republicans vs democrats, Weiner or Arnold stuff etc....

On the other hand, as I talk to friends and neighbors, those things, while some are important, aren't the real issues. These are minor in comparison. 

Some of us are facing tough issues and challenges.  When you are talking to someone you know or meet someone new, be open to where or who they are. Don't assume you know what they have been through or are going through. 
I know we hear it all the time. 

I try to step back from my own issues and listen to what others are going through. People I am currently praying for are dealing with some big issues. Substance abuse, death and dying, suicide, childhood trauma, mental illness, justice and forgiveness. And this is just skimming the surface. I pray daily, right now, for someone specific dealing with each of these issues and more.

I know it comes easier for some. Others of us have to try. We are very egocentric, naturally self centered. We can get so caught up in our own, we forget others are struggling too

Maybe it is easier to dive into politics and tv sensationalism then to deal with real people and real problems. I know how hard it is to know what to say and what to do. For me, I simply try, although imperfectly, to just be there and listen. I offer my ear for listening, my shoulder for crying and my heart in prayer. When it gets right down to it, that is all I have. 

I have had numerous people come up to me and say "I saw you on tv..."  After this it can be awkward, neither one of us know what to say.  But that is ok, I appreciate the good thoughts and sentiments, no matter how awkward.

True friendship and growth can happen when you are truly open.

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