Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Feast of the Holy Family

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. We had a nice couple of days, except for my being sick. Truly enjoyed having my 4 kids all together. 

Today, Sunday Dec 26th, is the Feast day of the Holy Family. As I listened to the readings at church today, I thought about my own kids and being a parent. Did Mary know, as the song says, all that her little baby was. Did Joseph realize the challenges ahead. They had already faced some big challenges. They had already witnessed some amazing things. 

A mother holds her newborn baby and has many dreams for her child. Happiness, someone in their life to love, and a full life. We want our children to be better than we are, to live longer and be more successful. We want them to be strong adults who can handle all this world can throw at them. We want them to be sensitive and loving. To give more than take, to laugh more than cry.

Mary holds baby Jesus in her arms and takes in all that is happening around them. The visits from the angels, visiting Elizabeth, Joseph standing by her, the visits by the Shepherds and the visits from the Magi. She must have had a idea that this was big. As she held Jesus did she worry for him, as a mother she would have? She had such devotion to God, did she let go and trust in her faith. She poured out her heart and full love to Christ. She gave up her life for His. As all mothers strive to do.

Joseph looks at Mary and does he realize all that is happening. My husband told me that as a new father, you are sometimes filled with amazement and worry. Did Joseph feel that? Did he wonder how he was going to protect and provide for them? He too had such devotion to God. Did he lean on that? As he got Mary to Bethlehem, as he stood by her in labor and thru delivery, and has he lead them safely to Egypt, did he lean on his faith in God? He is such a strong figure in my mind. Taking in the woman and her Child of God and giving up his own life for them. 

May the image of the Holy Family, their love and devotion for each other, guide us into the new year. 

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