Sunday, October 11, 2015

This is me

This is me. Pure and simple. Some say naive and uneducated. The optimist, who, to a fault, try to see the good in people. I assume all people are good and some just make bad choices. I know naive right?

I also know that when I begin this next part of the blog many of you will not continue reading. I know you will say there she goes again on her God train. UGH!! But I would politely ask that you do me the favor of reading on. If you disagree or don't get it that's fine. I just ask that you listen to what I am saying. That's all

I know God is not dead, neither is the concept of God. For me, He is as real as you. For me to deny him, would be like someone once said, to deny the Sun exists. I see it in the sky, it brings me warmth and light and makes me feel better, but I have never touched it or held it. It is real though and so is God. 

God has been such a part of my life, always, that I have never doubted. Not once, ever. 

When I say this to people, they look at me like I am crazy. Like I am from another planet and am speaking a foreign language. First of all, they don't believe me. "Yeah right, everyone doubts and debates the existence of God". But I am telling you the truth. I have never doubted the existence of God and that He came incarnate in the form of Jesus Christ. I have known these to be true my whole life. 

God has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. He has done some amazing things. I have seen His work, I have felt His hands. I have had a few mystical experiences that I rarely share with people. Because their doubt, the look on their faces, cause me to wonder if I am crazy. 

I have wondered about what the other side will be. That is the unknown that causes the pit in my stomach. Nothing in our minds can fathom that or put words to it. People with near death experiences have tried. Dante tried. But I know that it will be nothing like that. We all have a fear of the unknown and that is my unknown.

I also know that God gives us free will. True free will. Absolute free will. We can choose to have Him in our lives or not. He will not force himself on us. We can choose to deny His existence all the way to hell. I am not trying to be fire and brimstone here. I am just saying if you choose to deny God and you die, you will be eternally separated from Him. That is hell, simply put I guess. 

I also that God wants us to be with Him. He wants to be a part of your life, my life, all lives. He loves us unconditionally. Truly, completely unconditionally. Katy Perry sings about unconditional love, we all talk about it. But we don't really accomplish it. We all have our deal breakers on that. If someone does the most awful thing imaginable. For each of us that may be different, what is it for you? That one thing that is unforgivable. There isn't anything in God's eyes that is unforgivable. That is not to say there are no consequences. There are, we all have to sow what we reap. Jesus forgave the thief on the cross. The thief still had to bear his cross till his death. But God's love was there with the thief through it all.  

God is alive and well. He is real and present.

Thanks for reading. Much love and respect to all. 


  1. I have felt God's presence during my loneliest times. He is real to me. Loved this post, so honest. Keep writing. Michelle Mendoza

  2. Fantastic post. God is Alive and Well!!
