Saturday, December 13, 2014

To know me is to know my faith

How do I share the faith that is such a part of my life without those around thinking I am trying to sell them something?  We talk about our day, our jobs, our families and seemingly every aspect of our lives. But if I try to talk about my faith, my church life, then the mood changes. 
It is a vital part of who I am, a vital part.

God is alive and well. He has been a part of my life always. 

Imagine for a moment that God is real, that "God is not dead". All I am asking is if you don't believe or just don't know, that you just try to understand where I am coming from. What directs my life.
I try to understand others, I try to put myself in others shoes. The whole "walk a mile in their moccasins" concept. Understand where others are coming from. I try to understand others as best I can. 
If you want to understand where I am, please read on.

So just close your eyes and imagine it is true. That God really does exist and he created the Jewish people and their faith. Established a covenant(promise with them). Then 2000 years or so ago He came down from heaven.

Like Joan Osborn says "What if God was one of us?" Just imagine, just think about how you would feel or react, if you thought Jesus came down from heaven and was God. That he came to join the divine and the mortal. Think about if you actually, truly believed this, that God walked among us.

That he was born of a virgin woman by the power of God. A woman dedicated to God and her son. Yes a virgin in every aspect. That God in all his power made this happen. I know it sounds crazy but imagine you believed it. Actually truly know it happened.

That he was crucified for committing no crimes. An innocent victim, a spotless sacrifice. This might not be so hard to believe. We see the innocent suffering of those in this world. 
Would if you really truly believed that Christ rose from the dead and was with his disciples for 40 days before ascending to heaven? That he really did establish the Christian Faith. 

When Christ rose from the dead that was pinnacle for the christian. That was when we knew he conquered death. That we knew with him we could have eternal life. 

In His rising from the dead, we develop a greater understanding of all that came before. The virgin birth, the miracles, the parables, the Old Testament, all take on a new and deeper understanding. 
That is why Easter is the holiest of holy days.

 I know it might be hard but I do believe. If you believed this would it change your life?  Would it impact how you lived?

Imagine someone performing all the miracles spoken of in the bible. 

Just think for a moment........ If I believe this what would it mean, if I believe this, how would I live. Please just try to understand me a little bit.

I strive to live my life focused on God. Loving him and his people. I try to treat everyone with love and respect. Even when we don't agree. Even if I choose to not be a part of something I don't agree is right. I never, or really really try, not to speak ill of others. I have never said someone is going to hell. I believe hell(the eternal separation from God) exists and I don't want to go there. 
But who goes there is between God and each person. 

I ask for respect and understanding as I live and practice my faith in every aspect my life. 
I feel as passionate about my belief system as you do yours.   

Thanks for reading and trying to get to know me a little.

Much love and respect to all.

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