Saturday, December 13, 2014
To know me is to know my faith
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Meeting God on His terms
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Me, God and the world
Sunday, October 5, 2014
The front pew
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
Theology by Steve Silva
Some of my family and friends struggle with organized religion. This is partly to do with the fact that they say there are “all these rules to follow”. In my view there are no “rules”. What we hear in church is simply an accounting of how others in the past, through the Grace of God, have come to understand what it means to live in service of God. After all, that seems to be the point, living in the service of God.
There is one God who is the Creator of all. He is more like a mind than anything else we can really understand. But He is more than just the Creator. He created us and loves us and wants us to freely love Him in return
If my premise is correct, that there is only one God who is creator and lover of humanity, then how ought we respond to that reality?
I am often concerned when I hear things like “the universe thinks...” or “the universe has to stay in balance” or “karma”. I am concerned when I hear of people using tarot cards or believing in good luck and bad luck. I am concerned when people believe in superstitions like astrology, Friday the 13th, walking under a ladder and so on. In short, I am concerned when people attribute power to things other than God. For if my premise is correct then there is no power other than God.
In the concrete that does not mean one cannot get value from “spiritual writings” and “nice sayings”. It does mean that those things are subordinate the service of God. If something just serves us then it is probably misguided. If the power of God is dismissed then it is probably misguided. However, if it guides us to God and the service of God then it is probably on the right track.
It does not mean that Angels don’t exist. It does not mean that Mary did not appear to Juan Diego in Mexico City centuries ago. But it does mean that Mary did not present herself and Angels did not bring themselves. Rather Mary and the Angel Gabriel and others throughout the Judeo-Christian tradition appeared to us through the power of God. There is no power except God.
I say all this because I am very concerned about the slipping from faith in God to “nice sayings” and superstitions. I have a monotheistic theology and am concerned that such things serve largely to belittle and lower the value of God in our lives. It seems that some of these phrases suggest that god is cool and karma is cool and so on, lowering the one true God to a level where He can be forgotten about or rationalized away when He conflicts with what we want to do right now.
Any true spirituality must start with the reality that your spirit was given to you by God and he wants that spirit to lead you into a full, loving relationship with Him.
Friday, July 25, 2014
The Decisions I Make
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Sunday, July 13, 2014
What I have.....
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Behind Closed Doors
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Step out on faith
For those who want to step out on faith.....
For those who wonder....
Our self-esteem, or at least mine, is tenuous at best. Sometimes I feel like I can conquer the world and I have it all together. Other times I feel I can't do anything right
As I am committing to and refocusing on writing this blog, I wonder how my self-esteem will handle it. I want it to be accepted and for people to take something from it. I certainly don't want it to be an epic failure. I am doing this as part of a discernment process for my life, how to live out and use the gifts from God to serve Him and make the world better.
I am trying through prayer and openness to write from the heart. I don't want it to be about me. I want it to be God driven. I was thinking about this at church this morning.
If the blog isn't one of my charisms that's ok. But again my self-esteem may not be able to handle an epic fail. I would rather not discover that I am a bad writer or fail to make a point or am just plain boring. I also don't want it to be hugely, ridiculously successful to the point that I would be tempted to make it all about me. In both cases my pride would take over and it would be about me rather than this blog. I need to rely on God, step out on faith and see what happens. I know that He will see me through this to the desired end.
I am trying to share some of the thoughts I have on different subjects and things that have happened to me that I feel some of you go through as well. But these are just my thoughts and opinions. I am certainly not the most formally educated person. I have an associate’s degree that took me 10 years to complete. Not because the material was too hard but because I was raising my kids. I have lived on the planet for 48 years, I am somewhat well read, and try to think things through based on life experiences. The only life I can experience is my own, but that is enough.
Most of the things I have said are not new thoughts or new ideas. They are old thoughts and old ideas just told from my perspective. Some of them are the beliefs I strive to live, some of them are ideas we have forgotten or misplaced so to speak.
A lot of the ideas come from music. I am a lyrical person, some song lyrics (even cheesy ones) can really spark thoughts and ideas. Don't get me wrong, a good dance number is awesome, especially when dancing or cleaning the house. But sometimes, sometimes I stumble onto song lyrics that fit what I am currently thinking about or going through. It is in these moments I know that God is singing to me. This has happened more times than I could talk about.
Other thoughts come from listening or trying to hear what someone is saying. Sometimes it is a simple line in a Facebook post, a homily during mass, during a conversation with someone, or something said on television. I truly don't know when something will light the fire and create a train of thought. That steam engine is driven by God.
I do enjoy writing these and am open to honest feedback. Please feel free to share.