Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why is weight loss so hard!! Especially for women. I know there are millions of men struggling but I am going to talk about this from the female perspective. Mostly because I am female(in case you didn't know)and that is from where I see things.

I have lost 60-70 lbs. (I didn't weigh myself at my heaviest so not exactly sure.) I know that is great and feel really good about that accomplishment. It did however take me 7 yrs to do it. That is 10lbs a year, which is less than a pound a month. I know, I know slow weightloss is the best way to lose. You are less likely to put it back on. Intellectually I know that, but I want the darn scale to move!

there are moments of extreme frustration. You watch your diet and exercise regularly then step on the scale and no movement. Or worse the number is bigger. You look at that scale and wonder what would happen if you threw that scale through the window. You realize that only the window would break. Then you stop obsessing and just eat. (But please note that some of the changes I have made to my eating habits over the years are constants, I don't even think about them. So when I say just eat, it is within reason.) Then you get on the scale and you have lost .5 lb. You know that if you keep eating like this though the weight will creep back on. That is always the fear that all the weight will come back on.

I sit watching my husband eat pop tarts and talking about being down a pound or two. Then I wonder what would happen if you stab someone with a pop tart. You realize just the pop tart would break. You tell him you are happy he has lost weight. And truly you are because he looks awesome!

What is interesting is given all the frustration and stress, I am so much better when I eat right and exercise. I think my brain is catching up. That is better than a stupid number on the scale. As diabetes runs rampant through the Hispanic community, I am fighting back. Every weight I lift, every drop of sweat, every time I choose a salad over a burger, I am fighting back. Will you join me in this battle? Whether it is obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other disease. Go for a walk, move, sweat and live. Make one change today.

A great friend of mine has made some changes to improve her life, my mom has made changes for her life and both of these women are in their sixties. That is true inspiration. Are we perfect at it? NO! It is a one day at a time process but we are all better for it in the long run.

We women are strong in mind body and spirit. Given the challenges of weight-loss, bearing children, raising children, hormonal peaks and valleys, we rise to the challenge. We stare the world down and say "Bring It On!!!"