Friday, November 12, 2010

Creating your ideal......

Bedroom, kitchen, vacation........

My son has a project to create his ideal bedroom. He is having fun with it but is being still very practical which is interesting. This got me thinking because as we are getting ready to remodel/recreate our kitchen, what is ideal?  There is a lot of pressure behind the thought. What would make your kitchen ideal? Is it the cool cabinets, the pull out pantry, the sharp countertops, artistic backsplash, the list could go on and on. The choices are daunting. 

The lucky folks who get chosen for this or that remodeling show have it easy. The choices are made for them but because it is cool and shiny and new they are thrilled. Makes you wonder if our ideal is not so specific. 

Would it be so crazy for us to turn our kitchen design over to a friend, with whom we trust and has great taste. To relinquish control! How happy would we be with a great new kitchen! 

Or is it better to be connected to every choice. To feel like you created a space that represents you. 

We are doing all the work ourselves. Even if we let go of design control. The demolishing, cabinet installation, backsplash, floor, painting, etc... Due to budget constraints outside help will be minimal. The header, the countertops and maybe some plumbing or electrical may be outsourced. So the space will be built by us and will be our space.

We have often wondered if we won the lotto where would we live, what kind of home or kitchen would we have. Imagine you could live anywhere in the world? Where would you live? You could have any kind of home or kitchen space, what would it be? I know for me, I like having some parameters. Maybe as we get older; but I am not entirely sure I believe that. Most people settle within reason to where they grew up. It is what we are familiar with, where family is, where we feel connected. So most young people starting out, who have choices in where to live, choose proximity to home town.  

So back to my original thought. Is our ideal kitchen a concept in our minds that can be created in many different ways or is it more specific to a look? Do we as humans like parameters and guides? Would you want to make every choice and be connected completely to the design or would you relinquish control and be ok with that? 


  1. I had the opportunity once to design a kitchen and loved it. The only change I would make if money was no object would be to install a traditional wood burning pizza oven like you see in some classic italian restaurants. That would be sweet!

    With regards to where would you live if I won the lottery: Well, I have thought about this a lot! I would want to keep my house in Michigan because that's where my roots are...but I would love to have a place in a warmer climate, near water and walking distance to downtown and church. Don't want to do yard work forever, so not having a yard is ok as long as I had access to a park or nature trails. Guess I better go buy a lotto ticket!

  2. If I won the lottery I would live wherever Christopher was nearby. I would make sure dad had enough to retire with and the boys had money for college. Then I would build the biggest doll house ever that the cats could play in with tunnels and toys and little furniture. Then I would go on vacation with Juan.
