By the passion and death of Christ, by His rising from the dead, I am saved.
By my proclamation that Christ is my Lord and Savior, I am saved
By my baptism, I am saved
By my receiving of the Eucharist, when I profess "this is the body, blood, soul and divinity" of my Lord Jesus Christ, I am saved
When I make the sign of the cross, I renew my baptismal promise, to renounce satan and all the I do, all that I am, I do in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirt, I am saved.
When I go to mass, I profess my belief and commitment to Christ as my Lord and Savior, I am saved.
When I say the "our Father" and recommit my life to Christ, I am saved.
When I live my Christian faith, not to earn but to draw closer to my Savior, I am saved.
Christ says in James, "I will separate the goats from the sheep" He will know I am Christian because I fed him when he was hungry, I clothed him when he was naked, I visited him when he was sick or imprisoned.
I am Catholic and I am saved, not by my own doing or by anything I deserve.
I am saved because Christ died on the cross for my sins.
I am Catholic and my faith keeps me focused on my Savior.
I am Catholic and I strive to live as a sheep of Christ, my faith helps me to focus on loving Christ in his people around me.
I am Catholic and I love.
I am Catholic and I know
I am Catholic and I believe
I am Catholic and I am saved.
I love "I am a Catholic and yes I am saved"!