Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why the democrats may lose the next election! As always, I will start with telling you who I am. I am a middle class(low end) middle aged white woman, with some hispanic heritage. I also have to say I am fairly uneducated, slightly well read and more than a little crazy. If you can't already tell by my ramblings. So read on if you like. I tend to lean democrat, which I eluded to in earlier blogs. I say a moderate or conservative democrat. I do have many issues with the democrat party, but less than the issues I have with the republican party. The republicans will play to the fact that we forget. They count on it. They will hammer their message home, over and over, using their pat phrases. They will spin messages to fit their agenda. They use phrases like "Christian" and "family" values. As a strong christian catholic, there is much about the rep. party that concerns me. But they are effective in getting their message out. On the other hand, we have the democrats. Their message either gets lost or doesn't even get out there. I believe in the democratic voting system. As much as it may bother me, if the republicans are better at playing the game, then they win. If the democrats don't wake up. If they don't present a unified front with a strong message. If they don't remind us that the economy was in trouble long before Obama took office. Also, that the first stimulus package was enacted by George Bush and went to wall street. That package had no accountability and we saw none of that money again. Democrats need to remind voters that the republicans vowed to cause the failure of the Obama administration. They didn't care about the common good or the economy. The republicans are holding true to this vow. They are winning. Maybe there are more republicans or those leaning republicans. I tend to not think so, but I could be wrong. I personally think the gerrymandering of the districts help the republican party. Again they know how to play the game. Until the rules are changed, the democrats need to wake up and figure it out. If they can't then maybe they should lose elections. On a side note, when I write my blogs, it is straight from the heart. The idea just sort of comes to me. I cant force myself to sit down and write. Usually if I do that, I get nothing. When a thought or a rant comes to me, I just write it down. Sometimes on scrap sheets of paper. The reason I started writing is because it is cathartic for me to get these thoughts written out. Honestly I would rather not write about politics. But right now that is where my mind goes. I hope you enjoy reading my rants. Agree or disagree, I hope it makes you think.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ms. Blogger, I agree our political system is broken. The Republicans use corporate welfare to get re-election funding from big companies and the Democrats use social welfare to buy votes from their dependents. This may not bother those who want to be ruled by a centralized government, but I prefer freedom!
    Let’s get the government out of subsidizing Oil, Solar and Ethanol and let the free market chose the winners. Let’s get the government out of healthcare and fix the system with free market solutions.
