When the news reported that the counseling office of Michelle Bachmann's husband does gay-to-straight therapy, was I shocked? no. Was I appalled? not really
Are you shocked? I told you, my most controversial blog yet. I try to be honest in my blog. I will try to be honest with this one. Do I have all the answers? no. Am I still growing and learning? yes, I hope so.
Two things I ask when you read this. One read the whole thing, if you completely disagree that is ok, just read it through. Two don't assume, don't read between the lines. My opinions are just that my opinions, what I think on a particular subject unsaid shouldn't be inferred.
Let me say at this point that anything in the realm of discrimination or hate crimes is wrong. No matter what the reason. I love and respect all. Whether you are gay, straight, atheist, christian etc........ I will stand by you, pray with you, work with you, eat with you, talk with you etc......I don't think anyone gay is looking to undermine society as some conservatives say. We all just want to be happy, understood and loved.
Om that note, let me jump right in. I believe in the kinsey scale. It rates our sexual desires from 100% heterosexual to 100% homosexual. We all fall somewhere on the scale, with most being heterosexual. As such there are some who fall in the middle, bisexual. If you believe this, then it makes sense to say that some choose to be gay. I know most don't want to discuss the choice of being gay. We are being led to believe that being gay is not a choice. Someone is either gay or straight. I don't think it is that cut and dry. I don't think absolutes fit. Yes some are gay and some are straight. Some are in the middle.
If someone chooses counseling to deal with same sex attraction through prayer and other resources, they should have the right. If you fall in the middle of the kinsey scale you can work towards the life you choose, whether gay or straight. I believe all things are possible with God. Do I think anyone gay should be shamed into this therapy? absolutely not. People need to make their own choices for their lives. If someone is gay and chooses a life devoted to God, again they should be allowed that choice.
The whole nature vs nurture debate rages on here. Again absolutes wouldn't work. Our sexual desires, the way we express love and want to be loved, is part of who we are. Were we born a certain way or did we grow and learn to be this way? Or was it a combination of the two. We can, I believe, retrain our selves. The part of us that is learned can be altered, if desired.
Do we have the right to choose who we want to spend our time with or who we want be our partner? Within reason, yes. I would never tell two consenting adults who they can or can't spend time with.
On the other hand I believe God created us male and female. That Marriage is a sacred vow between a man and a woman. That our physical structures were created by God to fit together in an intimate and spiritual union. That is why this union brings about life. I believe in the sanctity of marriage, in the proliferation of life. I believe marriage is created in the image of the Trinity.
I also believe that obedience to something bigger than yourself is not something to be ashamed of. People that choose celibacy, people that choose to wait until marriage to be intimate, people that say yes to all created life in their marriage are all examples of obedience to God and His word. To give up oneself to serve the greater good.
The media makes a mockery of obedience. We are led to believe that a life fulfilling our selfish desires is where happiness lies. We want immediate gratification. If it makes us feel good then it must be ok. A drug addict will say, when I use, it makes me feel good.
As a parent I teach my kids, self sacrifice, discipline, love, and respect. I would never say, if it feels good then do it. I would say is it the right thing to do, is it the right choice.
I try to teach my kids to step out of yourself for the greater good. To know God and His love for all, no matter who you are.
How this all balances out in the debate of same sex unions? I don't really know yet. Like I said I try to be honest. I don't have all the answers.
If I were a in a beauty contest and my final question were about marriage, my answer would be "I believe marriage is a sacred vow between a man and a woman...." I guess that Perez guy would call me names and stuff. But to have honest open dialogue requires us to be honest and open.
I will continue to love and serve God. I know He will guide me to the right path. He will show me how to love my fellow man. How to serve the world for the greatest good.
Blessed be God forever.
i also believe it is a choice people make....would it make me not vote for her for president ..NO.
ReplyDeletepeople need to make a stand!!! a marriage is between a man and a woman.............
the other is a public display of something .... but you are not man and man, or woman and woman.........
to each his own...........
we all have to realize we cannot change people, when they ask your opinion if they like it they will use it, if not they will not.
people need to have more empathy, sympathy, kindness, courtesy, and love for each other......
it is not ok to be rude all the time, it is not cute
comman sense has gone bye bye.
somehow we need to teach our children the things that were taught to us........
great commentary pam!
You're right, Pam. You don't have all the answers. And I don't have all the answers. And our supremely intelligent spouses son't have all the answers. NOBODY on earth has all the answers. All any of us has are opinions. And hopefully they're well-reasoned and thought-out, not just repeating what someone else said that may have sounded good.
ReplyDeleteI'll say that I agree with you on some of your points, and disagree on others. This is your blog, so I won't start a debate here. But good for you for being brave enough to share your thoughts here; it helps us see what makes you tick.