Do you pray? I do
Do I pray when it is stormy but forget to pray when it is sunny?
Unfortunately yes.
I work everyday on improving my prayer life, just like I work everyday on my health and fitness.
The past few weeks were hard internally; emotionally. It was one of the few times I asked for prayers for myself and my family. I know it was hard for many of us. I felt the prayers, I felt the power.
Some dear friends sent me a prayer blanket and a beautiful handmade rosary. The prayer blanket ministry prays for those who receive the blankets. I am so grateful, the more prayers the better. A world full of prayer warriors would be an awesome thing!
Not much in this world can we control. No matter how hard we try. Sometimes all we have is our prayers.
I believe our prayers are answered. Sometimes the answer is no, sometimes yes and sometimes not now.
Who are we praying to and do they hear us? Yes!
I believe in God. I believe He came to earth as Jesus Christ, to bridge the gap between the divine and human. He came to offer me(and you) salvation. For me(and you) He suffered, died, was buried and rose from the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit. God presence here on earth today.
As I pray, I offer all of me, very simply and humbly. I acknowledge the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). I acknowledge my failures. I have not done or been all that Christ wants. I humbly apologize. I am thankful for all the blessings I have. And all that I have been given. Finally I offer all of my troubles, worries and needs. I offer prayers for those around me. God knows our needs, wants and desires, I offer all of these to Him.
I will continue to pray. I ask all of those reading this to pray. No matter where you are in your faith journey. No matter where you are in your life. None of that matters. Like they say "come as you are". God's love is truly unconditional. If you are just quiet not even knowing what to say or do, just being. That is a start. Where to go from there is easy and you will know.
All of you are in my prayers, I humbly ask that you include me in yours.
God Bless!
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