Monday, December 13, 2010


Compromise is not a dirty word. We all have to live together. If we are truly the "United" states, not the divided states. We all come to the table with opinions, ideas and individual unique experiences. 

I know good people who are conservatives or Republican and I know good people who are liberals or Democrats. If we are reasonable and act like adults, we can sit down together to have reasonable conversations. 

There are people on both sides who take it over the top and make things challenging. I know liberals who are willing to tolerate anything but my Christian beliefs, that they refuse to talk about. I know conservatives who only watch fox news with their mistruths, lies and fear tactics. They don't realize they are being manipulated. It is unfortunate.

But for the most part I think most people believe in our sense of democracy and the right for everyone to have their own opinions. The democrats and republicans in congress were elected by the people of this country. So we have to work together.

We are more than the labels like democrat/republican or liberal/conservative. I have friends and family that think I am a crazy liberal. I also have friends and family that think I am conservative. It depends on the issue we are discussing. I am like a lot of others, my opinions vary. To be honest I do tend to vote democrat. But I do look at each candidate and issue individually.

Labels don't mean much to me. You can call me a moderate democrat, liberal conservative or conservative liberal. It doesn't matter.

The only labels I would use for me are; Christian, catholic, mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. I also don't mind being called Aunt, niece, and cousin(cuz). These are what matters, these are what I pray everyday to be better at. To love more, laugh lots and live everyday to fullest.

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