First of all, Let me say, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. He is God incarnate, born of the virgin Mary. He is true God and true man.
This subject has been covered by many theologians and doctors of the church. I am speaking from a very personal place, my heart, where my blogs always come from. I highly recommend that if you want to dig deeper, go for it. You will be amazed at what you find. I was!!
I am catholic, have been my whole life, cradle catholic as some would say. But about 13 years ago, Steve and I had a conversation about choosing to be catholic. We decided to dive in and become involved in church. Learn, grow and be active members. Then decide if being catholic is what we choose to be. Thanks be to God we both found that being catholic is what we choose.
Is the church perfect? Yes. Are the humans involved in the church perfect? No, absolutely not. I would challenge you to find any organization run by humans to be perfect. I would say that the sins of the humans don’t negate the truth. Jesus called out the Pharisee and Sadducees as hypocrites and sinners. He didn’t abolish or condemn the Jewish religion. God’s covenant is eternal. He doesn’t break His promises.
When I profess my faith on Sundays at church, I try to focus on what I am professing. I truly believe in all I profess. Christ established the church and said “the gates of hell will not prevail against it”. (Mt 16; 16-19)
The church has struggled because of the sins of man. Many from the inside and out have railed against her. It is but by the grace of God that it still stands, 2000 years later. I heard a story once of NapolĂ©on telling a bishop that he will bring down the church. The bishop replied simply, good luck, even those of us on inside haven’t been able to. I don’t know if this story is true or not. But it makes the point.
Have there been horrible abominable sins done in the name of God and by those who serve God. Yes! Man, unfortunately has great propensity to sin and does truly horrific things to each other. Those who have sinned should be held accountable and will be held accountable to God. I, in no way, am denying this. These sins, as horrific as they are, don’t negate the truth of Jesus.
I know left to my own devices, I would be lost. I would be fallen and beaten by this world. When I stand, kneel and pray in church I make things right and start over. I am egocentric and selfish. If I decided I could do it on my own and don’t need religion. I would be fooling myself. I would create an egocentric, selfish life. I would not challenge myself to be better. I would make things easy for me. Where is the growth and learning in that? This world would pull me away from Christ, it would drag me to indulge in my own selfish desires that would not satisfy nor make me feel fulfilled.
I go to church every Sunday to receive the precious life giving Body, Blood, soul and divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I go to worship, praise and honor God with one measly hour of my life. I go to draw support from the community of Christ that surrounds me. I go to pray for me, my family, loved ones and friends. I go because God wants me to go.
I recognize my need for God and His church to guide me on the right path. I don’t go blindly. I go by choice with my eyes focused on the Lord.